Warrior Spotlight – Monique Muhammad

Warrior Spotlight – Monique Muhammad

Monique Muhammad Age 51, 32 at Diagnosis
Diagnosis: Breast Cancer Stage IIB
Remission Since May 2004

In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Code Pink Productions Inc. would like to highlight our Breast Cancer Survivor Code Pink Warriors.

Monique’s Warrior message is: “I was diagnosed on June 23, 2003 and from that point the fight was on because I was the biological parent of a 1 year old daughter and 2 adopted daughters who were 15 & 17 years old. As a self-employed entrepreneur, for some that would spell defeat or failure because the road ahead looked challenging. For me and my God that meant suit up in your Warrior armor and get ready to fight. I fought for 9 months straight with 6 months of Chemotherapy and 3 months of radiation.

I never stopped working, praying or believing, I knew doing so could mean the end I knew that God didn’t bless me with my daughter to take me away from her just 1 year later. My advise to anyone who may be faced with something challenging such as Breast Cancer to never give up on themselves or God because with and through him ALL things are possible. Keep Pushing, Keep Praying, Keep Believing and Trusting in God ALWAYS… “

God Bless,

Monique Je’

Monique is the Founder of Code Pink Productions Inc. and she wants to remind you to do self examinations and annual Mammograms because she is living proof that “Early Detection Saves Lives”

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